
NEW SERVICE TIMES: 9:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Coming up...

Our Children's Ministry is growing! At Crossroad we teach the kids that God brings us to have a strong foundation on God's word and Christ's love. They desperately need this as they go out into this world. If you want to be a part of teaching our kids the truth and showing them the love of Christ, please reach out to Josh Woodard (317-954-0568 or ). Ways to do this:

- Teaching in a children's church class
- Being an assistant in a class
- Helping to lead Children's worship
- Loving on kids in the nursery

Interested in Serving? But not sure how? There are many different ministries and opportunities at Crossroad for you to use the skills and abilities God has given you to serve others and build up his family! God has been blessing us and growing us tremendously! As we grow, there is more need for volunteers and more opportunities to serve. Some of these include:

- Teaching a Sunday School Class for Children's Church
- Loving on kiddos in the Nursery.
- Help in the Cafe
- Helping to greet people at the door or hand out bulletins.
- Weekly/Monthly service projects for our widows and church members.
- Nursing Home visits.
- Being on the Security Team.
- Being on the Prayer Team.
- Hospitality Team.
- Many More!

If you are interested in service in one of these areas OR not sure what your gifts are for serving, please contact Joshua Woodard at (317) 954-0568 or

Letting God Use You Class: (Wednesdays @ 6:30pm) about how God desires to use you and the gifts He's given you to not only grow in relationship with Him, but to serve His church and others around you. Please enter through the back door.

Complete Holiness: Freedom Fighters -
 Most men are losing the battle to porn. At Complete Holiness, we bring these men together so they can lock arms, experience healing, regain peace, restore marriages, and live into their God-given purpose. Go to completeholiness.org for more info or email Will at to chat. It's time to live again!

Women's Pitch-in Breakfast and Craft Day:
When: March 1, 9:00-11:00 a.m. 
Where: At The Bridge, 1504 S. Harrison St.
Cost: $5 (pay upon arrival)
Please bring a breakfast dish to share and $5 to pay for your craft supplies. There will be 3 crafts to choose from with a leader to instruct each group.
Sign up in the foyer.

Men's Breakfast: The authors of the New Testament considered each other Brothers in Christ, sharing life's joys and pains together, praying for one another and helping each other. We should do the same! We need men in our lives who are trying to walk with Christ walking beside us to encourage us, share wisdom with us, or even...yes, cry with us if that's what we need! Men, don't walk alone. On February 8, we will be having a men's breakfast at Crossroad. Bring yourself, your sons, your friends, brothers, nephews, etc. There will be some good food and great fellowship. Let's honor our savior and God together! Please, sign up in the foyer so we know how much food to make. Going forward, there will be a Men's Breakfast every Second Saturday of the month.

Do you have old Bibles or Christian Books? Love Packages is a ministry that collects used Bibles and theological materials and sends them around the world to be reused and impact even more lives. If you have any used Bibles or books you'd like to donate, please place them in the basket or box by the front entry. Thank you!

Have a Prayer Request? Fill out the back of a connection card and place it in the black box at the connection desk. We have seen more and more prayer requests fulfilled!
: Giving can be done via the offering box in the foyer or online at our website.

Connection Team - If you are interested in serving , please talk to Aaron Thornsbury (317)512-1887 or call the church office.

Security Team: If you are interested in helping keep our congregation safe during service times, please contact Danny Eaton (317) 525-1923!

Right Now Media – Free access to 20,000 Bible Study Videos & kids shows! Text CROSSROADCC to 49775 or go to rightnowmedia.org to get started.

Growth Groups - One of the best ways to get connected is to join one of our growth groups that meet either weekly or bi-weekly. Take a look at the Growth Group Leaders List on the Connection Desk to see what is available and to contact the leaders to find out more information.

Growth Group Leaders:
Pam Robinson - Mon. 10:00 a.m. @church (Women's) -  317-512-7714
Markita Daulton - ON PAUSE until March 3rd. (Women's) -  317-512-2665
Marilyn Current - Tues. 9:30 a.m. @church (Women's) - 317-512-4829
Jim Martin - Wednesday 9:15 AM @ Senior Services (YMCA) - 317-796-3371
Josh Woodard - Every other week. (Young Couples) 317-954-0568
Mary Lawler - Thurs. 3:00 p.m. (e/o week)@Kim McCullum's (Women's) 317-512-5477
John Fussner - Thurs. 7:00 p.m. @Jim Kinsley's (Mixed) (765) 561-2610
Bob Wilkinson - Fri. 6:00 p.m. (e/o week)@church (Mixed w/kids) 765-561-4524
Marcus Herschberger - Fri. 6:00 p.m. (Young couples) 317-604-3906
Don Clark - Sun. 5:00 (e/o week) @ Clark's in Morristown (Blended families) (765)745-0701
Andy Lee - Sunday 5:00 p.m. (e/o week)@his home (Mixed) 317-395-6765
Ace Woodson - Sundays 3:30pm. More details to come!

February 9 – Sr. High Group Sundays, first service 9:30-10:30am.

February 5 & 9 – Letting God Use You Sun @ 4:30/Wed. @ 6:30

February 5  – Awana and Youth Group 6:30-8:00pm.

February 8 – Men's Breakfast 8:30 am.

February Connection Team Leaders: Jim Martin/Brad Stansbury.
February Connection Team: Steve Sturgill, John Patterson, David Burch, Rob Logan, Danny Bayne, Dreamla Sturgill, Benita Jessup, Carolyn Crouch, Anne Marie Swisher, Keith & Elissa Keppel, Genell Martin, Kim Wheeler.
Security Post: - February 2: Jeremy Canter, February 9: Dewayne Hamilton, February 16: Andrew Huffman, February 23: Jeff Hammond.