Up and Coming Sermon Series
We will be closing up our “Real” series in August with a Real Church mini-series for four weeks. We will be looking at major segments in church history, starting from Acts and then moving to the early church- issues from Paul till now. We will be touching on questions such as: Why are there so many denominations? What is “real” church? How do we deal with the modern-day problems a real church can face? What are the struggles the early church faced and how are they the same or different than the issues we are facing in our day? This is a series you don’t want to miss. I believe we as Christians need to know where we came from so that we can know where we are headed.
Then, starting in September, we will be going through the major topics of the amazing book of Revelation and who knows when we will stop? I love this book, but more importantly, the detail it gives about our Amazing God and His heaven, a place I long to see. I know you do too! I know many people struggle with understanding this book of the Bible, how it all fits, and its imagery and visions. I hope to make it crystal-clear, so everyone can enjoy this precious letter from the Apostle John. So come and learn with us this fall semester about God’s plan for the end times and just how close we are to the coming of Jesus Christ. I hope to see you at Crossroad Community. Be sure to bring a friend with you, as well, on this journey through Revelation.